Interested in making a monetary donation? Checks can be made payable and sent to the address below.
Contra Costa Mineral & Gem Society
P.O. BOX 842
Concord, CA 94522
Have questions about making a donation? Are you an organization looking to sponsor?
Email CCMGS here for more information.
Depending on the nature of your donation, we may need to schedule a donation drop-off time and date.
Please reach out here to schedule a donation.
Please contact us here if you need our Tax ID Number.
Donate supplies for or sponsor a Workshop or Class
Make a monetary donation directly to the Club
Donate a Gift Certificate or rock-related item for our Monthly Meeting Raffles and Door Prizes
Be a guest speaker at our Meetings and share your rock-related knowledge or skills
Donate rock-related books, equipment, items, etc. that are in good condition
Donate/discount meeting venue space or a headquarters building location for our Club
Sponsor catered food and/or beverage for one of our special events and club parties
Apply to advertise your business in our Monthly Newsletter distributed to our Membership
Partner with us to offer a customizable exclusive deal or discount to our active Membership
Thank you for your interest in donating to our non-profit club. Please see below for more information.